Karate Belts and the Human Experience

Adam Al-Aali
2 min readNov 26, 2022


Brutally painful; painfully peaceful.

Most of what I know about karate is limited to the Wu-Tang Clan and Kung Fu films of my childhood.

The persistence of toxic masculinity despite its apparent maladaptive nature, prompts a profound inquiry into its roots and endurance within societal frameworks. The seemingly static quality of the question, belied by its intricate dynamics, underscores the challenge in addressing this phenomenon. At its core, the tenacity of toxic masculinity finds its rationale in the perceived rewards it bestows, both romantically and socially.

A lack of empathy towards peers is wielded as a form of empowerment, encapsulated in the notion that killing what one consumes translates to social ascendancy. This proven model for accessing higher rungs of the social strata reinforces the archetype of the alpha male, ostensibly better equipped to endure adversities.

The indoctrination of boys into this construct begins early, with societal channels transmitting the message that adhering to toxic masculinity is inherently rewarding. Examining the protagonists of a substantial majority of Hollywood movies reveals the pervasive influence of the mesomorphic archetype, perpetuating an idealized image of masculinity.

The learned aversion to weakness and the stigmatization of intimacy in male friendships are deeply ingrained facets of toxic masculinity. This phenomenon extends from hegemonic masculinity, an extension of patriarchal constructs deeply embedded in our societal fabric since time immemorial. The burden of this power construct disproportionately falls on women and sexual minorities, portraying masculinity as antithetical to various strands of feminist thought.

Navigating a path forward necessitates a critical examination of historical patterns. Despite an awareness of the detrimental effects of toxic masculinity, its resurgence remains evident on a global scale, notably in the realm of “strong-man politics.” The perpetuation of this behavior is inherently linked to its continued reward and reinforcement.

To redefine a society where coexistence is not just imperative but a necessity, a proposal is proffered. The essence lies in measuring and rewarding individual self-determination and motivation in a manner that transcends racial, social, cultural, sexual, and gender barriers. This unabashed solution, akin to the discipline and mastery inherent in karate, seeks to reshape societal norms by aligning incentives with values that foster inclusivity and dismantling the toxic framework that perpetuates harmful masculinities.

We reward people with karate belts.



Adam Al-Aali

channeling my different voices [🤝100% Follow-Back]